Client Story: Father of Three Becomes an Ironman

Client Story: Father of Three Becomes an Ironman

Submitted by Marc, 42, CMO

I first got into triathlon about 8 years ago, beginning with sprint distance and quickly getting up to half-iron distance.

The full distance was always a target for me. It took a few years, and about 20+ shorter distance events until I was able to get the work/home/tri balance right. I was ready for Ironman, but I knew that the training would be a real commitment and that I would have to sacrifice 20 hours per week for months on end.

But I signed up, and blindly took on what I thought was the right training path to get to my goal.

Then a friend introduced me to Jason at TRI-TRAIN. I was reluctant and a little proud, but in a single conversation I realized that my path to Ironman — reliant on internet articles and instinct — was not going to get me anywhere.

Ironman is exponentially more difficult than the half distance, but Jason very quickly got me on the correct path. We relied on the heart rate method to track progress, and I put in the hours against the Training Peaks plan he put together for me.

Jason was great at providing not only technical instruction (swimming: ugh), but also emotional motivation even though we were remote. He’s a dad too, so he understood how difficult the balance can be.

My Ironman was a major milestone for me, as a first triathlon of any distance is for anyone. I couldn’t have done it without Jason’s expertise and support.

For anyone doing their first triathlon, or moving up to their first Ironman, you will be much better for the investment in a proper coach like Jason.

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